Thank you so much for taking your time coming here by chance or maybe not but... Please feel free to comment on my posts or chatbox anytime... I would love to have someone to talk to ^_^ Click About!~ <33

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Worried :S

Morning guys!! hahaa i just woke up a couple mins ago.. i'm not being like don't-know-how-to-explain it but.. i'm not making a big fuss about it.. but..haven't heard from her lately since i changed the web address >__< soo

Umm.. recently I changed my blog web address.. and i'm worried that Gumdrop might not be able to find it but I did send her an email so hopefully :) . . . oh it's in my 'About' my blog email.. ayamaexx@hotmail.com :)

Feel free to email me anytime :) and yes I kept my details a secret heehee ;) my name there is Marshmallow Caramel .. heehhahe

Anyway.. I've got a lot of homework to do and lines to memorize so .. I'll post some more stuff later or tomorrow sooo til then!! But I'm still on here (chatbox) hehee
ByeBye!~<3 hehee

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

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