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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back now. . . ?

Heyyy guys.. i'm back from school about an hour ago hahaha but i was reading a manga... hehehee >:O I miss Gumdrop... Wonder how she's doing...

Today we got a new girl at school, she's in my class heheee yay xD
Her name is Ashlee, we have two Ashley's now.. Ashlee and Ashley :S oh joy...
Put here name up here coz we're not really close friends hahaehahaa

*sigh* the test today was . . . easy. . . it was language conventions and writing =_= hated writing though.. tomorrow we've got reading and comprehension... soooo not keen!!~ >:(

I made my new schedule yesterday... so from 4:30 to 6:30 i've got free time oh yeah! :D then 6:30 to 8:30 i've got study (homework and catch up and study) hehhaha... -.- So I better stick with it sooo i won't fall behind again.. ^^

I'll talk to u guys again earlier!! til then...!
ByeBye!!~ <3333 Comee back Gumdrop!!! :3

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

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