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Monday, May 30, 2011

Days of the week...

Soo i was just thinking.. which day or days of the week is your fave??? or least fave??
Okay so..

Monday - I have . . . Science, English (language conventions) Maths and some other extra subject..
2 reasons I hate Monday -
1) Because it's Monday
2) Because those three subjects are my least fave.

Tuesday - hmmm.. I have History/Geography, Elective (Drama) and Study...
2 reasons I LOVE Tuesday, 1 reason i hate -
1) Those three subjects are my fave.
2) I have drama!! woot
3) I HATE!!!!! I have to carry the bin to the top of the hill... Bin day Wednesday.. grr

Wednesday - I have... Christian Living, Science and English (For this term we're doing Shakespear) . . .
1) I still don't like Science, however, English isn't that bad..
2) Christian Living is alright.. we get to work on our play :) - our team is doing a modernized play of the parable of friend at midnight? yeah..
3) Ruined my good day on tuesday because of Bin day today...

Thursday- Maths. Food&Textiles, P.E
... What more can i say?
1) Maths and PE ruined my good day for Food&Textiles!!

Friday- Maths ( 1 period) Hist.Geog. and English
... Not that bad...
1) Good thing- only 1 period of maths.. normally we have 2 periods of all subjects..
2) Hist.Geo and English.. is alright..

... done... soo if you want tell me which days of the week are your fave.. u don't have to go as much detail as mine hahaha.. what AM I DOING?! I have lots of assign/projects to finish!!

Anyway.. hope u guys will have/ had a good day today/tomorrow??... :/ C ya next time..

I feel really really sick today... don't be grossed out by I really feel like vomiting :O~
Hope I feel better soon!!! or else.. I might.. *scary music* ... get worse.. hehehe if that made sense...

♥ Marshie ♪♫
who is supposed to
be working on her assignments >:O

Oh yeah.. if you wanna add me on skype.. ayamaexxi is my name :) or i think it's marshie.. c ya!!

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