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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

woooke up !!

Heyy guys.. i came home about 4:30pm - we were late coz i had to stay for an hour for drama practice hahaa...
and then when i did get home.. i somehow just turned off =_='' I slept all this time ahaha until i woke up about now >.<

I HAVE LOTS AND LOTS OF LINES TO MEMORIZE FOR DRAMA!! and what's more is we're performing it soon.. and no i have not memorized it yet.. and if ur wondering what play we're doing, which i doubt =_='' we're doing A Midsummer Night's Dream and . . . it's by SHAKESPEAR!! aaaaaah!!~Help..\

Anyway.. the pics showed above is Yui from K-ON! My personal favourite character from all animes :')

I'll c ya guys later coz... i need to do my homework and memorise lines and doo something for my mother ^_^╬
Sooo i'll talk to u guys again later!!! ByeBye!!~

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

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