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Friday, May 6, 2011

Sleeping...50th Blog..!!

Hey guys...

I'm getting really sleepy these days sooo I sleep during the afternoon.. but then i can't sleep during the night =_=.. sometimes i sleep through the whole day >.< did that make sense??

Good luck on your exams Gumdrop!! I got one next Tuesday x(

Well im going to bed too c ya guys later~ <3


♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫~

P.S This is my 50th post in this blog!!~ congratz me!! That's a lot for a month..hahaa such a power blogger.. ♥


Hey guuys

i woke up and its already 2am (past midnight)me and my mama are still awake >.< hahaaa
now i wonder if i can go back to bed... just checking my blog while eating spaghetti before going back to bed..
I'll talk to u guys again tomorrow.. and i'll probs wake up late too haahaaha
Til then!! ByeBye~!<3 Good luck on your exams Gumdrop!~ <333 ^^ haha

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫~


Gumdrop said...

Happy 50th post!~<3 :3
And thank you!!~<3 C:

Marshie said...

heheehe :P thanks and your welcome!!~ <33 :3

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