Thank you so much for taking your time coming here by chance or maybe not but... Please feel free to comment on my posts or chatbox anytime... I would love to have someone to talk to ^_^ Click About!~ <33


This blog is also about me. . . hahaha ok. . . this is just about my life story (including friends story, love story and stuff..) and ummm well i'll be just telling you-my friend ♥ about my ups and downs. . .

I WANT TO HAVE A VBLOG... but i don't have a vid cam hehehe...

○ Please feel free to comment on the post or the chatbox anytime you like, I'll reply as soooon as possible xD Also if some of the tabs above don't make sense... it's coz i shortened it... it didn't seem to fit =_=''

~ UPDATE 2011 ~

>:O I miss my long hair~~

P.S Please feel free to ask any questions below, but please do not burst my privacy bubble o.O Please also only ask appropriate questions. . . Thanks~ :3

Blog Email: ayamaexx@hotmail.com or ayamaexxi@gmail.com
Skype: ayamaexx (skype name)
YouTube: www.youtube.com/Ayamaexxi

♥ Ayamaexxi ♪♫
a.k.a Marshie ☆ ★

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