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Saturday, May 14, 2011

No title...

sooo.. good morning my wonderful peeps.. it's saturday wooooot!! it's sooo nice and cool.. oh yeah, i just woke up. bahaaahaa,,, i'm still in bed though.. coz it's nice under a comforter :)

Umm yeah so i haven't posted posts for a while coz blogger was in a maintenance ... it's sooo cold,,, even though it's only autumn heheha xD

Today's plan is to catch up on all my homework and the book i'm writing.. gotta finish drawing aki and ayumi =_='' Imma go now and go back to sleep coz i'm really still sleepy haahaha *yawn* oh and i also have to practice cooking a mille crepe hmmm yummt


♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫
P.S Pic not mine, if it's not working, click here to see if you want to :)

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