Thank you so much for taking your time coming here by chance or maybe not but... Please feel free to comment on my posts or chatbox anytime... I would love to have someone to talk to ^_^ Click About!~ <33

Tuesday, May 31, 2011



I love how koreans talk and stuff.. their ending with 'imnida' or '..yo' thingy.. sorry im a newbie hahaa..
Yes I admit, SHINee and other KOREAN pop artists made me wanna learn hehehee :D

. . .and yes, i have not done my homework because of trying to look for a korean-language teacher. xD

sooo im going to do it now after australia's got talent and ncis hahha

♥ Marshie ♪♫

. . . =_=

Sooo ... I just came back from town... *sigh* why does school have to be 1/2 hour away from home?? the main question is.. why do i have to live out of town =_=''

Well i'm not really complaining coz I love it here.. I've got the beach! boo ya!

Anyway.. for my history/geography assignment/project I have to make something that reflects the medieval times... I wanted to make a medieval dress but i don't have enough time... so i am making a cloak instead : )

It looks simple but i think it will be challenging.. :'(

Sooo i'll be working on a lot of assignments/projects coz most of them are due in two weeks!!! HELP!!

♥ Marshie ♪♫

I want a dog soooooo bad!! woot.. having
homemade pizza for dinner yum :D

Monday, May 30, 2011

Days of the week...

Soo i was just thinking.. which day or days of the week is your fave??? or least fave??
Okay so..

Monday - I have . . . Science, English (language conventions) Maths and some other extra subject..
2 reasons I hate Monday -
1) Because it's Monday
2) Because those three subjects are my least fave.

Tuesday - hmmm.. I have History/Geography, Elective (Drama) and Study...
2 reasons I LOVE Tuesday, 1 reason i hate -
1) Those three subjects are my fave.
2) I have drama!! woot
3) I HATE!!!!! I have to carry the bin to the top of the hill... Bin day Wednesday.. grr

Wednesday - I have... Christian Living, Science and English (For this term we're doing Shakespear) . . .
1) I still don't like Science, however, English isn't that bad..
2) Christian Living is alright.. we get to work on our play :) - our team is doing a modernized play of the parable of friend at midnight? yeah..
3) Ruined my good day on tuesday because of Bin day today...

Thursday- Maths. Food&Textiles, P.E
... What more can i say?
1) Maths and PE ruined my good day for Food&Textiles!!

Friday- Maths ( 1 period) Hist.Geog. and English
... Not that bad...
1) Good thing- only 1 period of maths.. normally we have 2 periods of all subjects..
2) Hist.Geo and English.. is alright..

... done... soo if you want tell me which days of the week are your fave.. u don't have to go as much detail as mine hahaha.. what AM I DOING?! I have lots of assign/projects to finish!!

Anyway.. hope u guys will have/ had a good day today/tomorrow??... :/ C ya next time..

I feel really really sick today... don't be grossed out by I really feel like vomiting :O~
Hope I feel better soon!!! or else.. I might.. *scary music* ... get worse.. hehehe if that made sense...

♥ Marshie ♪♫
who is supposed to
be working on her assignments >:O

Oh yeah.. if you wanna add me on skype.. ayamaexxi is my name :) or i think it's marshie.. c ya!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

hahaha before i go...

I got this email.. sometime ago and i super uber love it!!

How come you have enough time to go out and make other girls fall in love with you, but you don't have enough time to pay attention to the girl who already is.

You really know you love someone when all you want is for them to be happy, even if that means that you are not a part of it. Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea what so ever.

The worst way to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you know you can never have them.

I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi to me, or even smile, because I know even if just for a second, I crossed your mind.

I wonder, what I could Do or say to make him like me. I wonder, what or who I need to be, to be his. I wonder, when just being me will be enough.

Should I smile cause were friends, or should I cry cause that's all well ever gonna be.

You don't know what you mean to me, you don't have a clue, you can't tell by looking at me what I feel for you.

Have you ever hated somebody so much that you wish they would just leave and never come back but yet, loved them so much, you knew you'd die if they did?

Sometimes I wonder what you think of me or if you do at all.

I never knew it would be this hard to lose someone I never truly had.

It's hard not to love someone when he's all you ever think about.

Sometimes I wish I had never met you because then I could go to sleep at night not knowing there was someone like you out there.

It's not telling you how I feel that scares me it's what you'll say back.

It's so crazy, you walked into the room that day, just like every other day except this time my heart skipped a beat.

It's amazing how one little conversation can change things forever.

It is tearing me up on the inside to have these feelings for you, but I can't get rid of them.

It's weird how sometimes things just have to happen to see how you actually feel about someone.

When you thought I was in love with him, you were so wrong, I was in love with you.

Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you... and I wish on a star that somewhere you're thinking of me, too.

I wish you could hear all the words I'm too afraid to say.

Even though I've stopped "liking you" every time someone mentions your name my head turns towards them.

For someone who is supposed to be "just friends" why do I always get butterflies in my stomach when you smile at me.

You know you really like someone, when you sit the painful way in your chair just to get a better look at them. (haha i like that one)

Why is it always as soon as I start to like you, you like another girl and when I stop liking you, you like me.

I've convinced everyone else that I don't like you. Now all I need to do is convince myself.(sooo true...)

I love your name, I love the way you look at me, I love your gorgeous smile, I love the way you walk, I love your beautiful eyes, , I love the sound of your laugh, to hear your voice fills my entire heart with an indescribable feeling. I love the way I can be having the worst day of my life and seeing you completely changes my mood. (aww how sweet......so true again...)

Before I met you I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason.

I play the same song, over and over cause it reminds me of you.

I want to be the girl who makes your bad days better.

I can't get you out of my mind, I keep thinking of how much I love talking to you... how good you look when you smile, how much I love your laugh... I replay pieces of our conversation, laughing at funny things that you said or did... I've memorized your face and the way that you look at me ... I catch myself smiling again...

And you know you love him/her because there was only one person in your mind while you were reading this... (I made this one :))

Hope u liked reading this :)

♥ Marshie ♪♫


Hey guys... I'm really sorry to say this but..

I'm getting lazy of blogging... and my assignments are piling up...

I might stop blogging for a while... (;_;)( ;_)( ;)( )(; )(_; )(;_;)(T-T)
I will try to post some interesting stuff though.. so don't miss me too much hahaha ; )

I will be checking my blog EVERYDAY! so please don't stop commenting or chatting away on the chatbox xD

SO see ya my wonderful people!! Until we meeet again!!
ByeBye :')

♥ Marshie!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ♪♫

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Heyyy peeps..!! I just came back from Pizza's place! hehehee.. I slept over coz we and some other friends we're doing red shield appeal.. :D yay a good deed!!

Anyway... her mother's food is THE best hahahhaa.. well so is my mother's..!!

I slept about 2 hours ago... hehehe i just woke up!!

Anyway I missed you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

*sigh* tired and bored

Heyyy guys!!

I am soooo bored.. oh and have another good day Gumdrop!!! ^^

I have P.E tomorrow.. I think we're doing Javelin grrrrrrrr.. I wanna stay home and sleep..

Watching Australia's Got Talent.. =_=''

c ya guys!!

---Edit 9:30---
Hey guys... i feel peaceful lol.. and btw, JB isn't that bad, i like him... I don't get why soo many people hates him.. he's alright.. hmm... i like his song Pray ^_^ and I super uber love RELIENT K they are the best!!

Oh and gtg to bed nighty night!! :3

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫ Nyan :3


Morning guys!! I woke up early this morning heee ^-^ but it's already late hahaha
My mother and sis isn't awake yet *siigh*

It's getting reaaally cold.. i like the smell of winter :)

P.S Just finished my cereals .. it was nice

Got to go wake them up c ya!!

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Good newsss!! gosh, i love today..hahaaha.. oh hihihihi

First of all, yayayay, Gumdrop is back in Marshie Land hahaha.. wooot

Second, all Pizza and I talk about at sschool is not gossip but discussions of Ouran High School
Host Club!!! lol, i know you guys must be thinking ..
GEEKS! hahahaa.. no we are not geeks.. we just like anime, scratch that, we just LOVE anime.!! and Ouran is at the top of our list heheehe

Lastly, I was so tired today that I slept when i got home (+.+)(-.-)(_ _)
..zzZZ lolol I woke up about 8.30pm..

Only, one bad thing... I have to carry the bin all the way up the hill =_=
nooooo (T.T )( T.T) It's bin dday tomorrow *sigh*
And another is that.. Pizza doesn't trust Gumdrop (;_;)( ;_)( ;)( )(; )(_; )(;_;)(T-T) turn by crying ...

Dude, we gotta love i mean lurveeeeee Tamaki.. he is the KING of Idiots.. which makes him so lovable :3

Almost bed time again.. ( ^.^)( -.-)( _ _)

Soooo .. ByeBye C ya morrow!!

---Edit 9:50---
Just did the bin.. I hate hills.. especially when walking up grrr
P.S NCIS and NCIS L.A alwaays aawesome ^^ Can't wait for NCIS' season cliff hanger even though i hate cliff hangers.. but i do love twists *evil grin* mwahahaha

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hey guys...

Sup my wonderful people..!!

Currently I'm playing around with the Template Design... I can't seem to get the colours right.. And i would love to keep the wallpaper.. it's uber cute!!


I have some homework to do.. research.. to look for my family crest.. or coat of arms.. hheeheehe..

Everybody (parents and lil sis) can see what i'm writing right now.. that's why i want a laptop so i can blog anything... without hurting them.. and you may think it's talking behind their backs.. but not really.. it's more like, what i think.. *sigh* i sound mean :''(

My chest is hurting right now.. like literally.. hmmm.. Pizza is really obsessed with Ouran hahaha well partly my fault..

Okay be back soon!!

---Edit 7:30---
No Ordinary House is an awesome show.. funny.. ehehhee... but not as funny as Ouran Host Club xD

---Edit 9:30---
I forgot i've got homework...! *sigh* this guy gets in my nerves.. explain tomorrow!! Nighty night!

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Monday :'(

Heey my lovely people.. tomorrow is monday.. waa waaaa waaa

I did all my homework at the last minute and I finished it haaahahha yeah..

Okay I have main parts for 3 different plays, ok:
  1. For Drama: Nick Bottom, A Midsummer Night's Dream
  2. For English: Egeus, A Midsummer Night's Dream
  3. For Assembly: Father, The Prodigal Son (Shakespear Style)
Why, oh, whyeth, does it have to be Shakespear, plus with long lines.. to MEMORIZE!!

WHAT A DRAG!!!!!!!!!!! grrr

Well i brought it to myself.. I wanted those roles coz
they seemed interesting.. now i kinda regret it *sigh* ma ika.

Anyway.. Pizza and I are really obsessed with Ouran Host Club.. I've seen it over 3 times
=_= Also, I started watching Yu Yu Hakusho again.. i'm up to episode 35 i think.. the Dark Tournament arc. *sigh* this is probably the worst time to be addicted to anime.. the time when all my ASSIGNMENTS/PROJECTS are PILING UP!

*sigh* this blog
always makes me happy... i can blog anything.. although no one reads.. hmm somehow i feel peaceful here hehee :')

Anyway it's getting late.. and I'm still up watching Castle.. heeeehe

ookk Nighty Night my wonderful people!!

"Usa-chan, daisukiiiii!!" by Honey-senpai~ <3 he's soo adorable
"Bunny-chan, I love you!!!"

I tried making a blog from Wordpress... no offence to them.. but i found it hard to make one..

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Saturday, May 21, 2011

awkward moment..

The awkward moment when the world doesn't end... ( ̄ー ̄)
Heyyy guys!! ITS SATURDAY~!! WEEKEND~!! <33 woot

I started doing my Science assignment/project... I still have to start doing
my English and Hist.Geog... i hate doing these.. and i know i'm not the only one!

So what have you guys been up to?? I miss Gumdrop.. lol.. but oh

How can i advertise my blog?? I want people to read it and I want someone to talk to .. *sigh* me and my selfish desires..
( *´ο`*)=3 that's a sigh

Btw.. having Pizza watch Ouran Host Club and being able to discuss it with her is awesome.. Marshie is currently in a state of bliss.. ^__^

C ya guys later!! ByeBye

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Friday, May 20, 2011

lol..end of the world.. pffft

dudes and dudetttess!! Camping says that apparently May 21, 2011 is the Judgement Day =_='' DO NOT BE FOOOLED!!

Matthew 24:36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
*sigh* so so soo stupid.. great effort for trying but dude please learn the Holy Bible first.. before trying to be a mathematician..

Anyway it's finally the weekend.. i want to rest soo bad... i get really tired easily these days... oh and i
lost 3kg just from dancing wooot!!

Catch ya guys later!! c ya!!

♥ Marshie-chan! ♪♫

It's 11pm and my eyes are shutting... but I don't feel like going to bed just yet.. I need to finish my cake :') hheeehehe

Yeah soo...

I didn't have time to blog yesterday waaaaa.. well i did but i was lazy hahaha.. i'm getting really lonely here :((((( anyway.. I was watching Grey's Anatomy for the first time yesterday.. and i really liked the episode .. it was sad though.. it was called "Golden Hour".. and at the end Meredith Grey said:
An hour, one hour, can change everything forever. An hour can save your life. An hour can change your life. Sometimes an hour is a gift we give ourselves. For some, an hour can mean almost nothing. For others, an hour makes all the difference in the world. But in the end, it's still just an hour. One of many. Many more to come. Sixty minutes. Thirty-six hundred seconds. That's it. Then it starts all over again. And who knows what the next hour might hold.
I really like that quote ^^

I told Pizza to watch Ouran High School Host Club the other day and now she's mad
^_^╬ at me coz she's addicted to it hahaha xD

My assignments are already piling up and up and up soo.. I probs won't blog a lot unlike my assignment-free days..

People from other countries might call assignments as projects.. and homework as assignments.. ok that's kinda confusing but yeah that's it.. :/

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


hey guys!!! it took me about 5 hours just making an ad. vid (for my mother) which is about 2mins long =_=''

Right now I am sooooooooo tired!! soooo I will go to sleep.. perfect solution!!

Anywho..I can't believe I almost skipped a day without blogging ∑(O_O;)Shock!! hahaha.. and btw, this will probably happen often coz my assignments/projects are coming in and they're piling up ^_^╬

I'll c ya guys again tomorrow!! Til then ^_~
ByeBye!!~ <333333 P.S I miss Gumdrop hahaha :')

Marshie-chan ♪♫

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

woooke up !!

Heyy guys.. i came home about 4:30pm - we were late coz i had to stay for an hour for drama practice hahaa...
and then when i did get home.. i somehow just turned off =_='' I slept all this time ahaha until i woke up about now >.<

I HAVE LOTS AND LOTS OF LINES TO MEMORIZE FOR DRAMA!! and what's more is we're performing it soon.. and no i have not memorized it yet.. and if ur wondering what play we're doing, which i doubt =_='' we're doing A Midsummer Night's Dream and . . . it's by SHAKESPEAR!! aaaaaah!!~Help..\

Anyway.. the pics showed above is Yui from K-ON! My personal favourite character from all animes :')

I'll c ya guys later coz... i need to do my homework and memorise lines and doo something for my mother ^_^╬
Sooo i'll talk to u guys again later!!! ByeBye!!~

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫


It's not like i hate school or anything but why oh why do we havw to wake up so earlyy
btw, im also laye so c ya latet guys mwahahahaha

Monday, May 16, 2011

Changed theme xD

HEYYY guys!! Probably no one will notice, except for Gumdrop :')..
But.. I have changed my theme..!!?

I am aware not everybody will like it, but i do :) Soo if you're one of the people secretly following me hahaha which i doubt :'( Tell me whether you like this one or the other theme better..

GUYS I'M GETTING REALLY LONELY HERE!! I feel like a crazy person talking to herself hahaha.. soo please message me in the chatbox or in the comments ^^

*sigh* Pizza and I are planning activities for Grade 9's Medieval Fayre... this will be the last year.. I loveeee dressing up in Medieval dresses! Don't ya?! Well.. I understand if you're a boy xD hahahaa

Umm... I don't know what else to say.. hmm.. the weather's getting really cooool and i <333 coool!!~ I haven't heard from Gumdrop for a while.. but I understand coz she's probably busy or doing projects or something else..

Did I write a lot?? whoa hahaha... Anyway, I don't know if I like Aki or not... ok i'll explain first. Aki is just a nickname i name his cozz of Aki White (character of my book ^^). His hair is almost White (blonde) soo i don't want to call him White so I'll call him Aki lol.. i don't know how that came to :P Anyway Aki likes somebody else :'( but i don't mind as long as it's her... i'll support them..but it hurts hahaha

Anyway.. got to go now... busy talking with Pizza!! byeeee

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫
Btw, No Ordinary Family and a friend that also loves SHINee FTW!!
----EDIT 10pm----
Going to bed now, night!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Hey my beloved people... just want to let you know that i am really bored.. well *sigh*

I've got school tomorrow.. so i'll be going off early .. I made Pizza get addicted to anime by making her watch ouran high school host club! best anime ever!!

sooo.. i'll be going now.. good night peoople.. or good morning..

I gtg and watch Castle! <33 hehe byee
【 TV 】    ( ̄ *)

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Saturday, May 14, 2011

hmm.. nighty night ♥

hey guys!! actually it's already 12:45 am!! hahahaa it's sooo late/early ;P

Well anyway.. just wanted to say goodnight ^^ Have a great weekend Gumdrop! <3

*sigh* so lonely here...

Pizza is writing a book and it's really good!! i wanna share it with you guys when i get her permission ^^ but she also doesn't know about this blog but i really really want to to tell her though!! >.<

It's almost 1am soo got to go to bed!!
C ya morrow!! ByeBye!! <33333333

Marshie-chan ♪♫
P.S Pic's not mine.. found it on Google!!

No title...

sooo.. good morning my wonderful peeps.. it's saturday wooooot!! it's sooo nice and cool.. oh yeah, i just woke up. bahaaahaa,,, i'm still in bed though.. coz it's nice under a comforter :)

Umm yeah so i haven't posted posts for a while coz blogger was in a maintenance ... it's sooo cold,,, even though it's only autumn heheha xD

Today's plan is to catch up on all my homework and the book i'm writing.. gotta finish drawing aki and ayumi =_='' Imma go now and go back to sleep coz i'm really still sleepy haahaha *yawn* oh and i also have to practice cooking a mille crepe hmmm yummt


♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫
P.S Pic not mine, if it's not working, click here to see if you want to :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011


hey guys.. we finally finished our TEST!! WOOOOOOOT! the three days were soooo long =_=''
I think the standard was lower than 2yrs ago coz i found it easier.. either that or I just got smarter! mwahahaha xD

sooo i'm finally relaxing..and Gumdrop, I hope you the best on doing ur projects...
(If that made sense haha xD) Dang, i dislike writing in english-- like i think of something then i try to put it on words but i can't grrrrr..

Pizza doesn't know about this blog :( hahaaa she's one of my besties.. but anyway i showed her my story/book/chaper-without-a-title.. haaaha and she loved it!! I get sooo happy when people like Gumdrop and Pizza likes my work :')

I'm gonna go and do some stuff-work now teeheheee soooo c ya later!!
ByeBye ;) Have a good night sleep Gumdrop!!

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫
P.S Pic not mine.. got it from here heeehe xD
Hey guys imma go to bed now soo Good Night and Good Day to the people on the other side of the world ;)

Waaa >///< Sunrise

Waaw take a looook!!! yeah i wo ke up early this morning so i had some time to take pics of the sunrise ^^ here ....
Okay it's almost winter.. and it was freezing outside... brrrr *_*
here's another one :P

hHhaha 'Peace'... anyway gotta get ready for school.. so c ya later peeps!!

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫
^^^^ I drew that during the test hahaa.. i was bored =_=''

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sleep :)))))

hahaha double chin :)))))

anyway.. i'm going to sleep now coz i'm a good girl ;)
and i have the third test tomorrow -.-

Soooo, good night/day my wonderful people. Stay safe and take care!! ^^
Talk to u guys again morrow xD
Til then...!

♥ Marshie ♫♪


dudes and dudettes isn't this pretty!?? I took it bout 10mins ago- using mama's iPhone-trying it out... I just had to take it!! lol.. it's currently the change of seasons sooo... maybe.. heheee

*sigh* i LOVE living near the beach . . . :3

gotta do homework now hahaha soo cya later!!

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫


Hey guys.... I'm soo tired.. we just finished the Reading & Comprehension part of the test =_=''
If you're wondering, which I doubt.. :P .. The tests only goes for the first 3 periods ehehee 50min/1period...

Tomorrow is the last one - Maths. I. GREATLY. Dislike.
Maths. That's what we have calculators for!!!

Anyway... I'm gonna go now and do watever I can coz i'm lonely here... nobody comes andvisit me anymore.

So talk to you guys again later!!

♥ Marshie-chan
P.S Pic not mine.. found it on Google :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Good night ♥

Good night my wonderful people... have a great day/night - wherever you are and stay safe, take care!! Tomorrow is the second day of the test.. wish me luck!! -.-

Good night!! C ya morrow!
ByeBye!!~ <333

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

P.S I don't own the pic.. found it on Google :)

Back now. . . ?

Heyyy guys.. i'm back from school about an hour ago hahaha but i was reading a manga... hehehee >:O I miss Gumdrop... Wonder how she's doing...

Today we got a new girl at school, she's in my class heheee yay xD
Her name is Ashlee, we have two Ashley's now.. Ashlee and Ashley :S oh joy...
Put here name up here coz we're not really close friends hahaehahaa

*sigh* the test today was . . . easy. . . it was language conventions and writing =_= hated writing though.. tomorrow we've got reading and comprehension... soooo not keen!!~ >:(

I made my new schedule yesterday... so from 4:30 to 6:30 i've got free time oh yeah! :D then 6:30 to 8:30 i've got study (homework and catch up and study) hehhaha... -.- So I better stick with it sooo i won't fall behind again.. ^^

I'll talk to u guys again earlier!! til then...!
ByeBye!!~ <3333 Comee back Gumdrop!!! :3

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Monday, May 9, 2011

Heyyy I'm lonely :'( Test

Gumdrop!! Where did you goooooooo???? *sniffle* heheehee. . . have a good Monday :P

Getting really lonely here peeps!! Please just leave a message in the chatbox :3 and if you wanna play a game... check out the 'Game' tab ○_~ <--- hahahaa

Anyway I'm going to make a timetable coz i seem to go all over the place forgetting various stuff =_='' don't know if that made sense... o.O

Tomorrow I have a test. *sigh* unfortunately it's not something I can study for... it's gonna go for three days!! GAHHHHH >:O The test (literacy and numeracy) is COUNTRYWIDE!! >:( To make it worse we have to take it at the start of the year! (Australia goes Jan-Dec for schools)
We don't learn anything from the start of the year!! gosh!! It's a year 5-7-9 test. I didn't have to take one last year... but now I have to take one for this year.. ='(

Sorry for my mad-break-down hahahaa... @_@''

Anyway.. i'll post some more tomorrow hehehee sooo til' then. . .
ByeBye!!~ <3

----EDIT---- 9:40----
Hey guys.. gotta gooo to sleep now got the test tomorrow =_='' So talk to u again tomorrow!! Have a good day Gumdrop!!

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Castle 2hr special xD

Heyy guys and Gumdrop.. I hope u found this blog >:O

Anyway.. right now i'm watching the anticipated 2hr special episode of one my new favourite detective series, Castle!!!! >////<

heheehe.. 'anyway' is such a cliche word *sigh* ... anywho.. after Castle imma go check this blog again.. and then.. i'll be going back to bed... so sorry Gumdrop if I reply late hehe :3

LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! o.O hehahaahhaaa <33 Good Night!!~ got school morrow =_=''

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫~

This episode is sooooooooooooooooo epic!!

Worried :S

Morning guys!! hahaa i just woke up a couple mins ago.. i'm not being like don't-know-how-to-explain it but.. i'm not making a big fuss about it.. but..haven't heard from her lately since i changed the web address >__< soo

Umm.. recently I changed my blog web address.. and i'm worried that Gumdrop might not be able to find it but I did send her an email so hopefully :) . . . oh it's in my 'About' my blog email.. ayamaexx@hotmail.com :)

Feel free to email me anytime :) and yes I kept my details a secret heehee ;) my name there is Marshmallow Caramel .. heehhahe

Anyway.. I've got a lot of homework to do and lines to memorize so .. I'll post some more stuff later or tomorrow sooo til then!! But I'm still on here (chatbox) hehee
ByeBye!~<3 hehee

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Yu Yu Hakusho~ ♥

Hey again guyss...

I recently started watching an anime called Yu Yu Hakusho.. in my opinion it's probably one of the best and funniest animes I have seen.. people say that it's like Dragon Ball Z- I haven't actually seen that one.. i don't think i will anyway..

I have added a lot of stuff here in my blog.. and yeah.. I changed my blog address, just added an 'i' after ayamaexx hehehaa coz my sis found out >.<

This blog is a secret from everyone close to me heheaaha!!~ :3

BAhahaaa YuYu is sooooo funny xD Coz I'm Kuabara and in case you guys forgot, I'VE GOT A SWORD!! HAHAA :'') Kuabara is one of the funniest character in anime ever!!

I'll talk to ya guys again soon..
Til then!
ByeBye!!~ <33

♥Marshie-chan ♪♫~

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sleeping...50th Blog..!!

Hey guys...

I'm getting really sleepy these days sooo I sleep during the afternoon.. but then i can't sleep during the night =_=.. sometimes i sleep through the whole day >.< did that make sense??

Good luck on your exams Gumdrop!! I got one next Tuesday x(

Well im going to bed too c ya guys later~ <3


♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫~

P.S This is my 50th post in this blog!!~ congratz me!! That's a lot for a month..hahaa such a power blogger.. ♥


Hey guuys

i woke up and its already 2am (past midnight)me and my mama are still awake >.< hahaaa
now i wonder if i can go back to bed... just checking my blog while eating spaghetti before going back to bed..
I'll talk to u guys again tomorrow.. and i'll probs wake up late too haahaaha
Til then!! ByeBye~!<3 Good luck on your exams Gumdrop!~ <333 ^^ haha

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫~

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Woke up.. ^_^

whoaaahaa..~ its already 8:40pm.. just woke up and took my shower and ate my dinner hahaaa.. now i wonder if I can sleep again =_=''

yes.. I changed the font.. this font's cool.. i think..

I will be playing around with my blog.. coz its fun.. adding gadgets and widgets here and there.. changing some formats.. and yes i am bored >.<

But i'll prrobs say good night here~! I'll be on again morow~ <33

Good night people, study hard Gumdrop do your best!! Hope u had a will have a good day at school today..~! <333 heheeehe

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫~ ;)



heyyyy i just got back from school and tired.. We (grade 9s) had our first athletics p.e lesson today.. last term was swimming.. and today was sprinting.. so basically we'll be doing track and field stuff..

Btw, Gumdrop, good luck on your exam~! Do your best and hope for the best! I hope you pass and get a great grade :D

My old teacher from last year told me that me, her and Pizza(one of my besties, her name is like a pizza brand so i'll call her pizza here xD) might be able to go to Japan next year! yayaya i love japan <33 heartbroken to what happened to them
Ahh~ I wanna sleep so badly so i might go ahead and do it.. hahaaa =_=''

Sooo i'll blog aggain later!!

ByeBye~ <33

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫~

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gonna sleep now...~ -_-''

Good night my wonderful people and have a good day wherever you are... that didn't make sense

Anyway.. *sigh* I'm not even sleepy.. but i wanna go to bed and sleep :S

Soo good night!!
Talk to you guys again morrow~<333

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫~ <33

P.S hope you had a good day Gumdrop!!

Why??? Meeting of Ayumi Hale and Aki White

Why does our timezone have to be different?!!!! Gumdrop :''(

*sigh* anyway... haha I gave up on the book I was writing.. I still need a title for it hahaa :3
brrr I'm cold.. I'm just wearing shorts and a shirt and the windows right beside me and it's cooold =_=''

What should I do?? I can't stop thinking about him...!? I don't want to have a crush on him anymore and i'm not sure if it's puppy love or true love?? I'm a freak >///<

I've got a piano lesson tomorrow... love piano <333

I'm gonna go now.. I have lots of lines to memorize for drama =_=''

Anyway... I think i'll post one part of the book... tell me what you think :)

"*Sigh* another day at school, she though as she looked up to the bright sky watching the pale white clouds stroll by, why must I live in this boring and unentertaining life. Because she ignores a lot of people, only obeys and does nothing else but being misunderstood, people assumed her heart was like ice; therefore she was nicknamed the Ice Princess. On the other hand, Ayumi Hale, 16 years old, female, was considered as one of the most beautiful girls at school. Her astounding academic and sporting grades were envied. She had a lot of admirers both from girls and boys, every one thought she was perfect. But despite Ayumi's beauty, no one can sense or see her loneliness, her azure eyes as blue as the bluest sea, one can ever imagine, is looking always at the sky full of emptiness and sorrow. Her parents died 5 years ago due to a car accident on her birthday. Until last year she lived with her auntie. Now she lives alone in an apartment, she pays her rent by working at a café; her auntie pays half as long as she stays is in the top 3 at school."

I have more where there's a guy that comes in named Aki White.. i must admit it's a really interesting book.. ;) but I don't know what to write next... writer's block i guess hahaha
as if

SOoo also tell what kind of title I should use

C ya guys later!! ByeBye <33

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫~

Okay... bad hair day :/

*sigh* today was an i-don't-know day... I just got back from school.. obviously =_=''

I'm currently writing a book :3 hahahaa but it's no good.. I only do it when I'm bored heeehehe

Anyway today was a good day at school but at the same time it was boring -.-

I'll talk to you guys again later!! bye!!

P.S can't wait for the iPads that's coming this week or next week >__<

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫~

Morning.. still sleeppyy -.-

Good morning my wonderful peeps ;)

~Morning Gumdrop.. hope you had a good day at school : )

We missed each other again hahaha <33

Anyway I'm running late for school so talk to you guys again!!

ByeBye <33~

♥Marshie-chan ♪♫~

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hey iPhone


Yeah soo Mama got an iPhone today : ) soo i tried it out.. check down the comments.. for my comment :S

ahahaha.. anyway.. it's sooo addicting especially when i go to youtube and watch SHINee and SuJu heehee... <33

I want one now :33

Anyway.. I haven't actually done my homework yet soooo hehehe.. tata! c ya later!

♥Marshie-chan ♪♫~ <33

P.S I can't actually use the 'alt' thingy at the iPhone haaa anyway check the comments :)

Back now and tired =_=''

Heyy again.. and yes i'm back from school :) and I'm really tired >.<

I slept for about 30mins.. hehee... as you can probably tell I like sleeping.. a lot..

Hahaahaa no one to talk to on here coz Gumdrop's asleep and I haven't told ANYONE about this blog.. just for fun xD

I'll post again somethings later.. after I do my homework and do everything I need to do.. So til then..


♥Marshie-chan ♪♫~ <3

Morningg..! I'm late.. but..

Hey my wonderful people :P

Just wanted to say Good Morning ^_^

It's back to school again today.. and
I am going to be late for it.. so I guess I'll c ya guys later.. heehe

-Good afternoon Gumdrop!! Hope u had good day at school.. : )

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sleeeep :3 zzzz~

Okay soooo it's already 9:30pm soo as you guessed it's bed time.. wooo =_=''

Anyway.. I am sleepy too soo Good Night my wonderful people >:O

(Good Night Gumdrop :3)

Night night everyone!!

♥Marshie-chan ♪♫


Can anyone please tell me what blogwalking is??

Heeehe i'm kinda confused that's all : )

Thank you

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Good Morning~ ♥

Hey my wonderful people hahaa..

Today is a wonderful day..!!

It's sooo cool down here.. it's not too hot, not too cold.. My fave kind of weather :3

Yay!! Congrats on my first friend, Gumdrop!! Nice to meet you >_<

Hooo.. I'm overly excited.. i'm such a kid xD

Anyway.. I'm still on here soo peeps keep chatting on the chatbox and keep commenting and the comments ^_^

I'll post some more posts later so til then~

Bye-bye <33

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Castle ♥

Hey guys!! Just finished watching 2 eps my new fave detective-cop series, 'Castle'...! And no it's not an anime ^_^.. I can't wait for next week's 2hrs special >///<

Anyway.. it's pretty late and I'm just finishing an episode of Deka Wanko ssooo I'll say good night here now : )

I'll talk to you guys again tomorrow >.< We've got a day off from school!! WOOOOOT!

Soo good night peeps..

○ ~Sweet Dreams~ ○

----- EDIT 2:00am ------

Hey guys I'm still awake!!! hahaaa

I am going to sleep now though soo GOOD NIGHT!!

My eyes are like going close-open... =_=''

so sleeeeeeeeepy.. so imma sleep

Good Night!! ♥

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

Hey peeps!! MMV

As you can see I am really bored sooo I'm posting my favourite videos up!!
You can also go to My Channel ♫♪ on YouTube to check out my faves but sadly I haven't posted up any videos yet.. coz I don't have a vid cam =_=''...

You guys know how I love MapleStory right?? well yeah anyway.. check this out.. and MMV by Fiaraa on YouTube..

btw.. MMV's stand for MapleStory Music Video- i think..

Well gotta hurry up.. Mabinogi's ready soo

See ya later guys!!


♥Marshie-chan ♪♫

Relient K Aeroplanes ♥ this song..


Relient K is probably the best band out there~<3 Please check them out!! I love Matt's eyes! -the band leader.. here I'll post some vids out..
I can't upload videos from YouTube like I used to anymore :'(
Sorry >.< The links will go to YouTube for the song :)

These are really funny songs.. ooh I forgot one more!!

Relient K is the best Christian band ever!! woot! Scratch that.. they're the BEST band ever!! Next to SHINee hehee... jks : )

Enjoy ♥

♥ Marshie-chan ♪♫

shello!! Mabinogi...(Mah-Bee-Noh-Gee)

hey again my wonderful peeeps..!

I'm the kind of girl who is an otaku :D If you don't know what that is, its a word used for geeks who loves anime or manga or video games... in this case im geeks for all of them >.<

I have decided to download an awesome MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game- I think) called Mabinogi!And their theme this time is Shakespear- Romeo and Juliet... Coincidentally, we're (grade 9 students) are doing Shakespear!! haaahaa but we're doing A Midsummer Night's Dream- comedy ^_^ Maybe some of u guys have heard about Mabinogi before or not but it's an awesome game!!!!

I hope my computer lets me download this one coz usually it won't soooo xD

I'll talk to you guys again later after I edit stuff here on blogger :D

Til then!!

Bye-bye ○

P.S "Pinch and a punch, it's the first day of the month" woooot!! Happy 1st May lol hahaha

♥ Marshie-chan dechuuuuuuu ♪♫