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Thursday, April 14, 2011

4) Facebook Friend but Real Life Not-Friend??

Okay so there's this girl named Light... as you know it's not her real name... but we are close friends no wait.. we were (?) close friends?

So before or during the time school was about end for autumn break.. she suddenly stopped talking to me and started ignoring me :(  

Usually after school, at the drop off, she would chat to me and everything, but she doesn't anymore...
I would wave to her to say hi or goodbye... she would just walk pass and ignore me...
She never treated like me like that before.... I don't know what I've done that she suddenly treats me like this...

Okay, I'm still a baby marshmallow, so I do a lot of sulking on things I don't get or have been misunderstood...

But just today.. she added me on Facebook... I'm getting confused... If she ignored me at school and stuff... why would she add me on Facebook??

Love it if you could help me, pls... :)

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