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Friday, April 22, 2011

Dream of Flying ^_^

Hello again...

Even though it's really late, I just woke up hehehehe ♥

I've been having quite the similar dreams on these past nights...

I would dream of running really fast and then suddenly floating up in the air...

I thought even I had wings. . .

Yes, like an airplane ♥

The dream was quite nice, I didn't want to wake up : )  What interests me, is that I've been dreaming this dream for the past 2 nights... hmmm... mysterious. . .

I also had another dream... I dreamed that I was a detective in training... hahaha... my first test was to see who kidnapped a little girl... turns out to be a baby elephant... hahaha.. that was actually quite fun ♥

Well, anyway... c ya later! Adieu!

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