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Friday, April 15, 2011

5) Everyone is Special and Precious

Edited on PhotoScape. Picture found on Google. Words and Text by Me ^_^ Click on it for a better quality. . .

Someone in and out of this world loves you preciously... He thinks of you every second... You are sooo special that He even knows how many hairs you have on your head... most importantly, you are always in His heart. . . ♥

I want you to know that God, who loves us all very dearly sent His only Son here on Earth, to save us from our sins, by paying the Ultimate Price...

I want you to take this to heart and think about it... God loves you and He is real, not just a fairytale... He loves you... Sometimes He might not like your way of doing things... but each and everyone of us is someone special to Him... ♥ Special is an overused word... however, you really ARE special to Him.

If that doesn't convince you that you are precious... even if there's only just one person in this world that loves and holds you very dearly... that enough makes you a special existence...

Believe it or not... We are born for a reason... Nothing is a coincidence, rather everything is a Miracle...

Life is short... live it to the fullest... think of others and God...
Someday, maybe not to long... there will come a time where you will be greatly rewarded ♥

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