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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Back now =)

*sigh* well today was a nice day =_=''. . .

So far only 2 things that was worth going back to school today :')
  1. I got to meet my friend's twin sister!! Bahahahahaha they look soooo similar! I always wanted twin friends! They used to be home-schooled- I'll call them Angel 1 and Angel 2 (both girls). Okay, Angel 1 came last year, I'm like close friends with her and then she told me she had a twin and I was like ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ♥ ♥ ♥ I love having twin friends so, I was like. . . YAYA! And then today start of the second term. . . Angel 2 came and Angel 1 also came to school but she was like sooooooooooooooooo white! She was pale and sick so she went home bahahaa. . . They're so similar yet soooooooo different ^_^ I love twins =)
  2. Umm, the second one is ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ? Seeing my teacher? I'm not really a teacher's pet but everybody loves her!! She's soooo awesome and she's pregnant :") This will be her second child I think. . . I'm so happy for her!! bahahahahaa ♥
Anyway I'm kinda lonely since I have no one here to talk about it but anyways. . . I'll still post it >.< I also don't have any homework to do or assignments sooo YAY!!

Hey guys btw if you wanna visit my youtube page. . .my username's Ayamaexxi, sooo please visit anytime : ) Sad news is there's no vids hahahaa >:O I still have to nag my parents for a vid cam and a cam AND a phone ^_~ . . . I'm not really desperate for a phone but I want one so I can post stuff here whenever I like teehehee ='')

Anyway. . . I got some vids to edit soo I guess I'll c ya guys later!!


P.S. From now on 'Ciao' will be like ' c ya later- (be back soon)' whereas 'Adieu' will be 'c ya tomorrow' or 'c ya next time' ○ ○ ○ ♥

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