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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Back now and Mad >:O

Okay I've got good news and bad news. . . not really news for the bad- its for like something bad happened about me today. . . I think you'll know what I mean when you read it ○ ○ ○!

Okay I don't know what to say first so I'll go with the good news. . .

Oh before that. . . can someone please tell me what a blogwalker is?! thanks. . .moving on. . .

Good News) Okay so this term we (our school grade- just year 9) are getting. . . iPads!!! BOO YA! xD Just for this term we're not allowed to take it home : ( . . . If this operation- like having an iPad helps with our studies, then we get to keep them for the whole time til Grad >.< There's still some issues to work out but I think it will go well :'') One of my teacher that's involved or incharge of this op said that if they won't get the iPads to work without issues then he'll shout us to pizzza :D - lol, you're forgiven :P

I added enters to avoid confusion : ) if it helps :|

Bad Day) Umm okay this is just about my piano lesson at school. . . Okay the school have provided music lessons including piano but not strings :(. . .

Anywho, I had my piano lesson today at school at 1:45pm during this time I had a P.E lesson but we had theory coz it's the first P.E lesson this term. . . My piano buddy, Piana (hahah nickname for privacy reasons : )) was told by my teacher, who didn't believe that I was telling the truth- that I had my piano lesson that time and asked me for a note about it (this hasn't happened b4) anyway....

yeah so Teach asked Piana- who also was the daughter of the principal :/- to go to the piano teacher and backup my story :| But she ended up taking my slot- she forgot her piano lesson that was 1/2 hr before me. So I ended up not taking it ○ ○ ○

What made me feel worse is that my teacher didn't believe me and asked 'Are you making up names' - he didn't believe me about the piano teacher =_=. . . like seriously, I do not lie- except for some circumstances -_-'' This almost made me cry :''(

Yeah but I don't really blame anyone and I don't really mind it sooo. . . I'm fine :'')

c ya later. . .


♥ Marshie- chan

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