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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hey guys.. I am bored.. So yesterday I bought a book called Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

If you can't read the back. . . it says:
When shy, awkward Helen Hamilton meets Lucas Delos for the first time, she thinks two things: the first, that he is the most ridiculously beautiful boy she has seen in her life; the second, that she wants to kill him with her bare hands.

An ancient curse means Lucas and Helen are destined to loathe one another. But sometimes love is stronger that hate, and not even the gods themselves can prevent what will happen next. . .
I'm only in the second chapter.. but I am loving it soooo far...
The book also has different covers for different countries. I, unfortunately have the UK version... I personally prefer the US and the Spain version... there's also more at her website..

But right now, I am watching Detective Conan.. it's getting sooo addicting.. and also Pizza is starting to watch it yayayayayay ^___^ chooo happy :D

gtg now c ya peeps!! ByeBye

<3 Marshie :9

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