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Friday, June 24, 2011

h-h-h-holidays.. :D

Finally my dude and dudettes, it is our 2-week-holiday-break-days? hahaha anyway, we have 2 weeks off from school (term break/winter break) *sigh* I am soooo sleepy hahahaha

We had a Medieval fayre today (yes, that is how u spell 'fair' in medieval = 'fayre') Every girl dressed in BEAUTIFUL!! Medieval dresses.. and somehow i turned out to be a boy.. again..

In every play or drama or event.. i somehow always end up dressing up as a boy.. this time it's Robin Hood, i won't complain, coz i absolutely love him.. anyway, a lot of the little kiddies said, 'Are you Mr Robin Hood's wife?' hahahahah oh they were sooo cute..

Anyway, my grandparents are coming.. tomorrow... staying for.. dun dun dummm.. 2 MONTHS.. i don't mind my grandad.. it's my grandma's urge to clean bugs me.. hahaha

I probs won't be on for a while.. sooo.. this will be a farewell for 2 weeks :)

<3 Marshie :9 (<--Pizza made that one up- soooooo cutee hahaa)

naww, she is soo prettty ^___^

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