Thank you so much for taking your time coming here by chance or maybe not but... Please feel free to comment on my posts or chatbox anytime... I would love to have someone to talk to ^_^ Click About!~ <33

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wow I'm lonely..

Soooo I just realised how much a loner i am hahaha..
I just officially changed my website address coz of the girl who found me out..

but anyways.. if you guys wanna follow me on Instagram.. follow @ayamaexiia
I'm on private but yeah..

Byeeee <3

Monday, April 30, 2012

HEY!!! Oh em gee!!

Heeeey you!!! The girl from my school!!! PROMISE NOT TO TELL ANYONE I MEAN ANYONE THAT YOU KNOW THAT I HAVE THIS BLOG!! Hahha I am freaking out lol But thanks anyway.. And no I am NOT gonna tell u who he is anddddddd if u do find out PLEASE don't tell him.. PELAAASEE Anyway thanks love ya!! Lol doubt ur gonna read this anyway.. Soooooo matters aside. Back to talking to myself. Heyyy guys!! Haven't been on here for ages!! You! The girl from the same school.. Don't laugh.. This is my therapy lol Sooo things at school are pretty same same except for some occassions.. Anyway. There's a lot and piles more homework and assignments hahaha nah jokes. Imma go do some now coz I'm awesome like that so c ya!! Oooooh I forgot to tell you!! I had this dream about him about us casually talking on fb lol but that'll nevvveeeeeeeerrrrr happen in a million years. That's why it's called a dream -_- Night!! :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

They&apos;re on it again..


They're fighting again..

I really wish I was a boy.. So i could protect mama!!

He's making her do all the work.. I've been finally helping mama around the house and all he does is make her do his work as well as her owns..

I don't like hearing mama shout but I probably can't do anything as I am right now.. I'm so useless...

My music is bursting in my ears because of this fight...

Why can't I do anything.. Why am I so useless.. Why wasn't I born as a boy.. I can't protect mama like this.. I'm so weak..

I feel sorry for him too.. He's so naive ... I feel like right now he only has the baby on his side... I really dislike that guy but I don't hate him... I mean sure he can get on my nerves but that's the way he is... But I hate it when he's so ungentlemenly.. Especially to mama... Why can't he just understand?? Why is it so hard for him?? Mama is doing all she can for him yet why can't he just cooperate with her and just help her with HIS homework??!

Ahhh.. I'm doing this again..

They stopped for now...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

First school week!! & Australia Day ^^

Hiiiiiiiiiii guys!!

Weell.. I've been lazy to post anything.. but since today's Australia Day.. and it's a school day off.. I might just as well update :D

As you can tell.. this week is the first week back to school!!


For the first time of my 5 years school life at this school..

I am FINALLY(!) in the same class with HIM!! <3

I was soooooooo nervous!!

Anyway.. first day wasn't so bad.. except everyone else grew taller.. i feel left behind :( lol oh and me and Pizza are in different classes!!!!!!!

You  know what.. I've liked Aki (my crush's codename :)) since the first time i came to this school... I've always watched him... dreamt about him.. now i feel like a freak lol.. anyway... i  know deep down inside that i probably won't get any closer to him than just a 'classmate' ... I'm fine with that.. i mean.. he's my first crush... I typically don't LOVE him... but yeah... my heart just aches a little bit.. knowing reality...

Last year I've been trying to convince myself to stop liking him.. coz he's soo out of my reach.. but lately.. I've finally admitted to myself i DO like him... and it's hard to stop liking him.. he's currently going out with one of the nice girls in my grade (i like her.. she's genuinely nice + pretty) ... i support them and i don't know if they're still together or not... hahaha.. i feel so horrible hoping that they'll break up already...

Anywho.. I love Drama this year!!!! <3 We got an awesome acting teacher!! hahaa and there's this boy.. he's the only boy in our drama class... he's pretty cute :3 (that's not being faithful to Aki is it lol- but im not interested in this new guy anyway..).. Our class is sooo much fun ^______^

Second day of first year of high school: heaps of homework for 3 subjects.
Yay!! -_-''

.. This is soo stupid.. i hate how both of my divorced parents think so negatively of each other.

.. So.. i gotta go now.. lol

.. .. .

Bye ♥


Thursday, January 19, 2012


Hey guys.. I'm back from my anime and manga marathon/addiction..

Anyways.. I was kinda lazy to post anything a while ago.. but meh..

I'm currently using and loving(!!) mama's new Macbook Pro hahahaha

It's soooooo coool :)

Today's papa's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPAPAPAPA!!!!! :)

.. ...

BYE :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I'm hooome :)

Fairy Tail
Well I was actually home around 11hrs ago.. But.. Hahahaha I was 'busy' watching Fairy Tail.. And then I watched some episodes of Skip Beat drama or Extravagant Challenge.. Then I started reading Rave Master.. hahahaha I'm up to chap 21 in less than 2hr lol :)

... I'm such a dork. -___-

Imma go to bed now.. Coz it's like 4am already.. Well to be specific 3:48am lol :)

Extravagant Challenge
Night for me everyone .. Love u all :)

Geh. Can't do a love heart on the iPod.. :/ oh and yeah I'm using my iPod to post this coz I'm in bed... So tiredddd.....

Marshie over and out :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

iPod Blogger

Testing testing..

Hey guys I'm posting this using the blogger app on my iPod.. ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

It's cool..

Kk byeee

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sleepover!! :) ♥ and Mishaps :(

Hey guuuuuuuuyss..

Well i'll be sleeping over Pizza's place tomorrow!!!! Can't wait!!!

Hahaahaha well... Anyway.. I'm gonna complain about what happened to me this week...

1) Monday-Tuesday) Downloading, Flipping, Converting some YouTube videos.. I only flip the dancing ones.. soo moving on.. I finished downloading them and the next step was to convert.. but it was getting really late already so while I waited for some other vids to finish downloading .. I went to bed with the pc on.

2) Wednesday) All the downloaded and flipped vids were gone!!!!!!!!! Had to download alllll of them from the start again... finished them.. all i had to do next was to sync them to my iPod... but again.. it was already like.. 2am. so I went to bed...

3) Thursday) -_-'' Computer: Missing operating system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTH?! fixed it in the afternoon.. so finished syncing just now................ =_='' sooooooo tired.. and my back is sooo sore... wanted to finish this today so me and Pizza could watch some vids...

Before I go to Pizza's place tomorrow.. We've got to go school shopping.. oh great =_='' i hate walking...

Wow.. I have soooo many stuff to tell you guys.. but i'll stop here for tonight.. coz my back is killing me.. i need to lie down for a while... sooo see ya Sat!! ♥

♥ Marshie

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
to everyone!! <3

*sigh* my vacation's almost done :(

I miss everyone :)

I'll be in grade 10 (4th year high school) this year :O *shock*

Well I started watching an anime called Skip Beat! :)))) I uber love that anime.. I also read the manga.. now just have to wait for the updates.. which takes forever.. -_____-

This Fri.. I'll be staying overnight at Pizza's place :3 yayay
we haven't seen each other since like.. dec. hahaha

*I'm in bliss*

P.S. The orange-head girl at the top ^ is Kyoko from Skip Beat.. she is sooo awesome.

Kk.. got to go now.. finish video converting.. bye

♥ Marshie :9