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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sleepover!! :) ♥ and Mishaps :(

Hey guuuuuuuuyss..

Well i'll be sleeping over Pizza's place tomorrow!!!! Can't wait!!!

Hahaahaha well... Anyway.. I'm gonna complain about what happened to me this week...

1) Monday-Tuesday) Downloading, Flipping, Converting some YouTube videos.. I only flip the dancing ones.. soo moving on.. I finished downloading them and the next step was to convert.. but it was getting really late already so while I waited for some other vids to finish downloading .. I went to bed with the pc on.

2) Wednesday) All the downloaded and flipped vids were gone!!!!!!!!! Had to download alllll of them from the start again... finished them.. all i had to do next was to sync them to my iPod... but again.. it was already like.. 2am. so I went to bed...

3) Thursday) -_-'' Computer: Missing operating system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTH?! fixed it in the afternoon.. so finished syncing just now................ =_='' sooooooo tired.. and my back is sooo sore... wanted to finish this today so me and Pizza could watch some vids...

Before I go to Pizza's place tomorrow.. We've got to go school shopping.. oh great =_='' i hate walking...

Wow.. I have soooo many stuff to tell you guys.. but i'll stop here for tonight.. coz my back is killing me.. i need to lie down for a while... sooo see ya Sat!! ♥

♥ Marshie

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