Weell.. I've been lazy to post anything.. but since today's Australia Day.. and it's a school day off.. I might just as well update :D
As you can tell.. this week is the first week back to school!!

For the first time of my 5 years school life at this school..
I am FINALLY(!) in the same class with HIM!! <3
I was soooooooo nervous!!
Anyway.. first day wasn't so bad.. except everyone else grew taller.. i feel left behind :( lol oh and me and Pizza are in different classes!!!!!!!
You know what.. I've liked Aki (my crush's codename :)) since the first time i came to this school... I've always watched him... dreamt about him.. now i feel like a freak lol.. anyway... i know deep down inside that i probably won't get any closer to him than just a 'classmate' ... I'm fine with that.. i mean.. he's my first crush... I typically don't LOVE him... but yeah... my heart just aches a little bit.. knowing reality...

Anywho.. I love Drama this year!!!! <3 We got an awesome acting teacher!! hahaa and there's this boy.. he's the only boy in our drama class... he's pretty cute :3 (that's not being faithful to Aki is it lol- but im not interested in this new guy anyway..).. Our class is sooo much fun ^______^
Second day of first year of high school: heaps of homework for 3 subjects.
Yay!! -_-''
.. This is soo stupid.. i hate how both of my divorced parents think so negatively of each other.
.. So.. i gotta go now.. lol
.. .. .
Bye ♥