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Thursday, August 4, 2011

wow.. + Ashlee Minto

wow guys.. I haven't blogged in a while...

hahaha.. well a lot of my friends and classmates have tumblr.. so tested it out...
I don't really like it hahaha.. i prefer blogspot much more :)

umm soo guys... how's it goin??

hahahaa.. i skipped school today coz mother's giving birth :D
hopefully its a boy :) coz we're a family full of girls hahaha

okay soo.. the ultrasound says its a girl..
obviously.. mother being mother.. she bought a lot of girls clothes (secondhand and brand- really pretty ones..)
and me being me.. i told her it's gonna be a boy hahahaa

dudes!!! here's Ashlee Minto- a classmate ;) singing.. on youtube.. she's really really good ^__^
listen to her :D you won't regret it... and she's like really pretty with a really awesome talent >.< *jealous hahaha* she's got a voice.. that'll draw u in :D


awesome cover too :D

oh and.. um... yeah... it's nice to blog again.. i've been lonely hahaha..

♥ Marshie :9
P.S I fell in love with the name 'Jessica' xD

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