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Sunday, February 5, 2012

They&apos;re on it again..


They're fighting again..

I really wish I was a boy.. So i could protect mama!!

He's making her do all the work.. I've been finally helping mama around the house and all he does is make her do his work as well as her owns..

I don't like hearing mama shout but I probably can't do anything as I am right now.. I'm so useless...

My music is bursting in my ears because of this fight...

Why can't I do anything.. Why am I so useless.. Why wasn't I born as a boy.. I can't protect mama like this.. I'm so weak..

I feel sorry for him too.. He's so naive ... I feel like right now he only has the baby on his side... I really dislike that guy but I don't hate him... I mean sure he can get on my nerves but that's the way he is... But I hate it when he's so ungentlemenly.. Especially to mama... Why can't he just understand?? Why is it so hard for him?? Mama is doing all she can for him yet why can't he just cooperate with her and just help her with HIS homework??!

Ahhh.. I'm doing this again..

They stopped for now...